IoPP Webinar: Packaging sustainability - Managing the here, the now & what’s to come

When:  Dec 5, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  All Member Forum

Packaging sustainability is becoming a priority, leading to new and evolving regulatory requirements. Are you prepared for the road ahead?

In this presentation, FoodChain ID’s packaging sustainability experts will explain how sustainability will drive the future of global packaging regulations and detail preparation steps your packaging team and company can take.

You will learn:

  • How the definition of “recyclable” has changed.
  • An overview of current packaging sustainability regulations and new regulations on the horizon.
  • How consumer demands are driving sustainability trends in packaging.
  • Examples of different approaches to evaluate recyclability.
  • How companies can manage evolving packaging sustainability regulations in multiple markets.


Online Instructions: